Some bibliographic references on mobile particulate matter measurement:
N. Bukowiecki, J. Dommen, A. S. H. Prevot, R. Richter, E. Weingartner, and
U. Baltensperger. A mobile pollutant measurement laboratory measuring
gas phase and aerosol ambient concentrations with high spatial and temporal
resolution. Atm. Env., 36:5569-5579, 2002.
N. Bukowiecki, J. Dommen, A. S. H. Prevot, E. Weingartner and U. Baltensperger.
Fine and ultrafine particles in the Zürich (Switzerland) area measured
with a mobile laboratory: an assessment of the seasonal and regional variation
throughout a year. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 3:1477-1494, 2003.
N. P. Bukowiecki. Mobile pollutant measurement laboratories - Spatial distribution
and seasonal variation of aerosol parameters in the Zürich (Switzerland)
and Minneapolis (USA) area. PhD thesis, Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology Zurich, 2003.
V. Etyemezian, H. Kuhns, J. Gillies, J. Chow, K. Hendrickson, M. McGown,
and M. Pitchford. Vehicle-based road dust emission measurement: III - effect
of speed, traffic volume, location, and season on PM10 road dust emissions in
the Treasure Valley, ID. Atm. Env., 37:4583-4593, 2003.
V. Etyemezian, H. Kuhnsb, J. Gillies, M. Green, M. Pitchford, and J. Watson.
Vehicle-based road dust emission measurement: I - methods and calibration.
Atm. Env., 37:4559-4571, 2003.
V. Etyemezian, H. Kuhns, and G. Nikolich. Precision and repeatability of the
traker vehicle-based paved road dust emission measurement. Atm. Env., 40:
2953-2958, 2006.
H. Kuhns, V. Etyemezian, D. Landwehr, C. MacDougall, M. Pitchford, and
M. Green. Testing Re-entrained Aerosol Kinetic Emissions from Roads (TRAKER):
a new approach to infer silt loading on roadways. Atm. Env., 35:2815-2825,
H. Kuhns, V. Etyemezian, M. Green, K. Hendrickson, M. McGown, K. Barton,
and M. Pitchford. Vehicle-based road dust emission measurement: II - effect of
precipitation, wintertime road sanding, and street sweepers on inferred PM10
emission potentials from paved and unpaved roads. Atm. Env., 37:4573-4582,
G. Antonacci. Air pollution modelling over complex topography. Ed. Università
degli Studi di Trento, Trento, Italy, 2005. ISBN 88-8443-084-4.